Media Credentials & Policy
Wake County Speedway welcomes media coverage from a variety of different platforms for events throughout the year.
We have an open-door policy for traditional local media outlets (including but not limited to WRAL-TV, WTVD-TV, WNCN-TV, Spectrum News, and the Raleigh News & Observer). We request that traditional media email the speedway’s promoter,
Charlie Hansen, at charlie@wcspeedway.com at least 48 hours in advance of the race you plan to cover. If you have not received a reply within 24 hours of our scheduled event start time, you may contact the speedway's social media manager, Mark Arsen, at mark@wcspeedway.com.
All other media outlets, photographers, videographers, and social media channels wanting to cover events at Wake County Speedway are asked to email mark@wcspeedway.com no later than 72 hours before the race to request access. We reserve the right to deny media credential requests, however, we aim to be friendly and open to all forms of media, traditional and new.
Please Include in Your Email Request, the Following Information:
Type of media coverage you will provide - photography, videography, television, print, digital, social media
Name of the event you are requesting credentials for. (Click here for our schedule)
Name of publication
Name of website or link to social media channel
Your first and last name
Your Email and mobile phone number
Explain the purpose of your coverage
Press Box access is limited to our broadcast and/or announcing crew. We will, however, work to accommodate reporters and photographers/videographers in any way we possibly can.
Reporters, please note that initial race results will be updated per MyRacePass within 48 hours of the conclusion of the event. However, race results will not be deemed official until certified by NASCAR, usually by the following Tuesday of a Friday night race at Wake County Speedway.
Credentialed Media are Asked to Adhere to the Following Guidelines:
Media Credential Guidelines:
Members of the media are expected to always act professionally when at the speedway.
All reporters, photographers, and videographers are encouraged to display a press pass and/or wear attire with their outlet’s name on display.
Wake County Speedway will not restrict access to credentialed media, but you are expected to exercise common sense and adhere to safety requests/demands.
Wake County Speedway requests reporters/photographers/videographers who cover races to send a link to their coverage to mark@wcspeedway.com within three days of covering our race event.
Pre-race coverage and social media updates throughout our events are encouraged.
Wake County Speedway requests prior notification for any reporters who intend to post live updates on Facebook, Twitter, other social media outlets, or live blogs.
Wake County Speedway does not grant “Exclusive” rights to race coverage to any media outlet (except for live broadcasts).
Live streaming video coverage of entire events is prohibited.
No Drone flights during racing events without prior approval by speedway management.
